
`GetMetric()` seems suspicious for Rindler (and in general)

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The RelativisticObject.GetMetric() method only calculates a Rindler metric from the player's perspective, (unrelated to the RindlerGravity ConformalMap). This will work for the assumption of a de facto Minkowksi ConformalMap, when no ConformalMap is actually instantiated, but I'm questioning whether it's right for nontrivial ConformalMap background curvature instances.

The player sees the composition of Rindler metric due to the player's own acceleration, in a generally curved space, on top of the intrinsic curvature of the space. However, I think this implies a left-multiplication of the player's Rindler correction on top of the metric due to the intrinsic curvature in "world coordinates." I'll experiment and think about this.

(The proper transformation is via the Jacobian, as with all tensors, but I still think the numerical quantities we want might be reproduced by a simple right-to-left multiplication, from world-to-player.)