
Worldpay .net Library

Primary LanguageC#


This repository consists of four related projects:

  • worldpay-lib-dotnet-3-5 and worldpay-lib-dotnet-2-0, the SDKs for .NET 3.5+ and .NET 2.0
  • worldpay-sample-dotnet-3-5 and worldpay-sample-dotnet-2-0, the sample applications for the SDKs

Each of these is contained in a separate directory / VS solution.


Please see our support contact information to raise an issue.

worldpay-lib-dotnet-3-5 & 2-0

DotNet Library for Worldpay REST API (.NET 3.5+, .NET 2.0)


Initialize the REST client with the default URL and the specified service key and then use the required service:

WorldpayRestClient restClient = new WorldpayRestClient("https://api.worldpay.com/v1", "YOUR_SERVICE_KEY");

var orderRequest = new OrderRequest()
    amount = 1999,
    currencyCode = CurrencyCode.GBP,
    name = "Joe Bloggs",
    orderDescription = "Order description"

var address = new Address()
    address1 = "line 1",
    address2 = "line 2",
    city = "city",
    countryCode = CountryCode.GB,
    postalCode = "AB1 2CD"

orderRequest.billingAddress = address;

try {
    OrderResponse orderResponse = restClient.GetOrderService().Create(orderRequest);
    Console.WriteLine("Order code: " + orderResponse.orderCode);
} catch (WorldpayException e) {
	Console.WriteLine("Error code:" + e.apiError.customCode);
    Console.WriteLine("Error description: " + e.apiError.description);
    Console.WriteLine("Error message: " + e.apiError.message);

worldpay-sample-dotnet-3-5 & 2-0

C# ASP .NET sample application which demonstrates integration with Worldpay API.


  • A .NET-enabled development environment, such as Visual Studio or SharpDevelop. These below instructions assume you're using Visual Studio.
  • .NET Framework 3.5


  • Clone the sample source code from the Github repository at https://github.com/Worldpay/worldpay-lib-dotnet and open the solution file Worldpay.Sdk.Samples.sln in your IDE.
  • Create a Worldpay account at https://online.worldpay.com/.
  • In your account dashboard, navigate to Settings and API Keys and update the Web.config file in your solutions route folder with the corresponding value.
  • Also in Web.config, set OrderLog to a location on your server which has read/write access permissions for your web server. In IIS on Windows, this usually means granting access to IUSR and IIS_IUSRS via the Windows Explorer folder properties dialog.
  • Visual Studio users can now be able to run the application simply by opening the page 'CreateOrder.aspx' and clicking the 'run' button from the toolbar.
  • To test credit card transactions via the IDE, simply fill out the details on the page and submit.