
AttributeError: 'H2Connection' object has no attribute '_frame_dispatch_table'

libka-b opened this issue · 5 comments

From time to time, in our applications that do client calls to gRPC APIs we see this kind of error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/sslproto.py", line 546, in data_received

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grpclib/protocol.py", line 712, in data_received
    events = self.connection.feed(data)

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grpclib/protocol.py", line 189, in feed
    return self._connection.receive_data(data)  # type: ignore

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h2/connection.py", line 1463, in receive_data

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h2/connection.py", line 1487, in _receive_frame
    frames, events = self._frame_dispatch_table[frame.__class__](frame)

AttributeError: 'H2Connection' object has no attribute '_frame_dispatch_table'

I found these lines in the grpclib, that seem to be responsible for the above error.

When I set a breakpoint on the incriminated line, the data passed to the _receive_frame method were this:

frame = HeadersFrame(stream_id=9, flags=['END_HEADERS']): exclusive=False, depends_on=0, stream_weight=0, data=<hex:887689aa6355e580ae16...>

I don't know much about http/2, but according to this, the frame is valid. Is it possible that the connection objects (_frame_dispatch_table) were deleted prematurely?

grpclib == 0.4.2
python 3.8+

Let me know if some more debug info is needed, I will try to provide as much of it as possible

Can you search in your logs the reason why connection was closed? Possible reasons:

  • received GOAWAY frame from the server
  • lost TCP connection
  • connection was closed on the client-side when it was in use

Maybe you can comment those lines where grpclib removes _frame_dispatch_table attribute to get more specific errors.

The reason is lost TCP connection, but that seems to actually be ok in most cases, and recover. But sometimes it fails with the above exception - race condition?

When I commented out the removal of _frame_dispatch_table and added some counters on the Connection.close() method, the method is called many more times (100x) in comparison with H2Protocol.connection_lost() method, but eventually everything works fine.

@Gobot1234 Fixed your case in d02ef84. As you can see it was caused by ChannelFor testing utility - calling Protocol.data_received after connection was closed.

@Gobot1234 Fixed your case in d02ef84. As you can see it was caused by ChannelFor testing utility - calling Protocol.data_received after connection was closed.

Thank you!