
CLI tool to manage USC CSCI course GitHub repos

Primary LanguagePython


CSCI tool is a cli to create student GitHub repos, add assignment starter code, collect submissions and grading those submissions.


csci was designed to be generic to be able to support different courses or different assignments. Each assignment has two supporting python files, mutate.py and grade.py. This lets csci provide useful functionality for a wide range of assignment needs.
All data that the csci tool needs resides in the organizations meta repo. This meta repo stores a list of students (students.txt) as well as all student submissions, and grader-student assignments for each assignment.


python3 setup.py install csci_tool requires Python3 and setuptools to install
(on ubuntu sudo apt install python3 && pip3 install setuptools)

First login - necessary before you can do anything useful
csci login

Create repos for students:
csci create-repos students.txt where students.txt is a text file where each line is a student's information like so: smagro@usc.edu vmagro (email and github username). If no file is specified, the tool will read from stdin.
This will create a repo for each student like hw_smagro, add the student to it's contributors and add the CP team as contributors.

Run a given mutator on all student repos:
csci mutate <mutation> eg csci mutate datalab

Collect code for all students:
csci collect <assignment name> eg csci collect datalab

Run auto grading scripts for all student submissions:
csci grade --auto <assignment name> eg csci grade --auto datalab

Assign students to graders randomly for human grading:
csci grader-assign <assignment name> eg csci grade datalab

Manual grading convenience for assigned students to grade:
csci grade <assignment name> eg csci grade datalab

Most commands above also take an optional positional argument students at the end of the command that is a file to read the list of students instead of meta/students.txt


mutate.py has the "mutation" code for the student repo. Mutations are how code is added to a student repo. A mutation can be as simple as copying source code files into another directory or as complicated as modifying existing code or compiling a different version of project code for every student.

def mutate(student, source_dir):
    """Mutate student repo
    Current working dir is set to student repo working copy.
      student (Student): properties: email, unix_name, github
      source_dir (PathLike): path to directory containing mutate.py

csci mutate will run the specified mutate function and commit the changes automatically.

Collection and Grading

csci collect <assignment name will pull the current commit from each student repository and add it as a submodule of the meta repo under submissions/<assignment name>/<student repo name> Additionally, it will comment on that commit on GitHub to notify the student that the commit was collected for the assignment.

csci grade --auto <assignment name> runs the auto-grading script on each student repo under meta/submissions/<assignment name> and writes the results to meta/submissions/grades_<assignment name>.csv

csci grade <assignment name> is a convenience script for human grading that will show files of interest for each student to the grader and prompt them for a score. Each assignment defines files that should be looked at by the human grader, csci will show the grader those files with a less-like interface, and then prompt for a score when the grader is done viewing. The human grading scripts write to the same file as the auto-grader, adding two columns to each line, the human core and a comments text field.
The human grading script also can be passed a text file of students to grade, but by default looks in a file meta/submissions/grade_<usc unix name>.txt