Vaibhav Malpani

This is Java code, it runs like the previous assignment.

All our scenes use the same renderer PhotonRenderer.

Some materials have been added: glass, mirror, diffuse and specular, and can be set in the xml file.

Most of the parameters are hardcoded:

  • There is one boolean (useDirect) in to specify if we want to use direct lighting (using direct illuminator) or if we want to use only photon mapping.

  • The rest are in src/photon/

    public static final int photonsEmitted = 7000000; public static final int causticPhotonsNeeded = 1000000; private static final int maxDepth = 5; private PhotonBoundingVolume photonKDTree = null; private PhotonBoundingVolume cPhotonKDTree = null; public static final double QUERY_RADIUS_FRACTION = 1.0 / 100.0;
    public static final double QUERY_RADIUS_FRACTION_CAUSTIC = 1.0 / 100.0;
    public static final int KNN = 50; public static final int KNN_CAUSTIC = 50;