
The basic idea was picked up from the famous online game curveball

Primary LanguageC++

    Author : Vaibhav Malpani
    Pic Breaker

To get started, please read the ``Quick Start'' section first.
For running the code samples, please check the ``Usage'' section.

Table of Contents

- Quick Start
- Installation
- Usage
- References

Quick Start

See the section ''Installation'' to quickly compile and run the code.

You should have two folders with the following structure:
1. src
		- main.cpp
		- GLScreenCapturer.cpp
		- GLScreenCapturer.h
		- helper.h
		- draw_all.h
		- CMakeLists.txt
		- kat.bmp
		- brickwall.bmp
		- utils
			- macros.h

2. build
		(empty before running cmake)

We worked with the following configuration to develop the game:
1. MAC OS X 10.9
2. Xcode 5.0.2 (5A3005)
3. OpenGL 2.1

The codebase depends on OpenGL library and GLUT. On Ubuntu Linux, you can install them by
sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev

1. cd build
Build folder should be empty right now
2. cmake ../src
Generates make file and other CMake metadata in build directory using CMakeLists.txt
3. make
Builds the project. If successful, it should generate an executable.
4. ./helloWorld
Run the executable to play Pic Breaker!

If you have any trouble, please drop an email to vom2102@columbia.edu

1. Paddle Movement
	Up Arrow, Down Arrow - Vertical movement 
	Left Arrow, Right Arrow - Horizontal movement
2. New Game - Space Bar
	Randomly spawns the sphere.
3. Exit game - Esc
4. F1 - Full/Normal screen toggling. Mouse click get disabled in full screen mode.

Mouse Clicks:
1. Play
	Analogous to spacebar. Starts a new game and randomly spawns the sphere.
2. Reveal
	Opens up all the tiles to depict the hidden image. Click again to hide the image.
3. Quit
	Analogous to Esc key. Stops the execution and exits the game.

Score is updated each time the sphere is correctly reflected by the paddle.
Game ends as soon as paddle misses the sphere.

1. Significant help was taken from 'NeHe Productions - Everything OpenGL' tutorials for texture mapping and text rendering.
2. Text rendering assistance through www.opengl.org/discussion_boards
3. Code samples from the book 'OpenGL - A Primer' by Edward Angel were constantly referred for understanding the OpenGL pipeline.
4. Code for loading images for texturing picked up from http://www.swiftless.com/tutorials/opengl
5. Lighthouse3d tutorials were referred for lighting and shading.