Generates payroll data and store in CSV file.
Usage: php payrol.php [OPTIONS] -h print this screen -year set the year for which you need the payrol to be generated. Defaults to the current year. -file file name to store the results to. You could specify a file name (payroll.csv) or path and file name (/data/files/payroll.csv). In either cases, PHP must have write permissions on the destination folder. Defaults to payroll.csv
Default behaviour:
php payroll.php -
Specify an year, different from default (current) one:
php payroll.php -year=2012 -
Specify file name (or path and name), different from the default one:
php payroll.php -file=payroll-2012.csv
php payroll.php -file=/docs/accounting/payroll-2012.csv -
Specify both year and file name:
php payroll.php -year=2012 -file=/docs/accounting/payroll-2012.csv