
I am using this repository to learn about Deno JS.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Learning Deno JS (a better and more fun Node JS)

(I am using) this repository (which) contains sample code used for learning in a file by file approach to better understanding Deno JS concepts and usage.

Basic commands

Use deno run "filename" to run deno programs.

Use deno compile "filename" to compile into a single executable.

Editor support

To enable vscode autocomplete create a .vscode\setting.json > {"deno.enable": true} and also install the deno extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=denoland.vscode-deno.

(Super awesome) core concepts

  • single executable (deno compile)
  • typescript out of the box, no .tsconfig
  • no node_modules, only ES imports, import files directly, no package.json
  • isolated execution; you must specify what is allowed, eg. file (disk I/O) access or web (address) access

Top level await

Deno supports top level await, meaning that you can write await statements in top level scope without needing an explicit async function scope.

More intro details can be found on the official tutorial page: https://deno.land/manual@v1.6.2/introduction