
Primary LanguageVim Script

Neovim Ruby


I've migrated to doom emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs Its like vim, but with steroids!


A complete IDE for Rails development with vim. Uses coc.nvim for auto-complete.

https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim (Recommended to read)



obs: I just doing random stuff with a very old code that i found =D

Video demonstration of some commands(pt_BR):



Tested on:

  • Solus
  • Ubuntu
  • Arch Linux
  • MacOS (Thanks Sérgio Maia)

To Ubuntu \ Mint, run:

sudo apt install python3-neovim python3-pip python3-setuptools exuberant-ctags silversearcher-ag; sudo pip3 install pynvim

On Solus, run: sudo eopkg install neovim xclip ctags neovim silver-searcher python-neovim

Install fzf: https://github.com/junegunn/fzf

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/junegunn/fzf.git ~/.fzf

Install YARN:

npm install -g yarn

Nerd fonts for cool icons:


mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cd ~/.local/share/fonts && curl -fLo "Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete.otf" https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/complete/Droid%20Sans%20Mono%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf

Note: deprecated alternative paths: ~/.fonts

macOS (OS X)

cd ~/Library/Fonts && curl -fLo "Droid Sans Mono for Powerline Nerd Font Complete.otf" https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/master/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/complete/Droid%20Sans%20Mono%20Nerd%20Font%20Complete.otf


1 - Install Neovim

2 - Put the files on .config/nvim/ (git clone https://github.com/otavioschwanck/neovim_ruby.git ~/.config/nvim)

3 - Open neovim (nvim on terminal)

4 - Run :PlugInstall

5 - Exit from nvim (:q)

6 - open neovim again (nvim) and run: :call coc#util#build()

7 - Run it too: :CocInstall coc-json coc-html coc-css coc-solargraph coc-snippets

8 - create a .backups folder on home. (mkdir ~/.backups)

Ruby Auto-complete

Install Ruby with rvm or rbenv and install solargraph.

gem install solargraph rubocop neovim

Thats it!

Some commands

Command Action
ctrl + e Open Nerdtree
ctrl + p Find files in project
, + shift + f Find text on project. you can select more than one file using tab, and apply commands on all selected files with :cfdo [command_1]
, + b List buffers
, + p Previous buffer
, + n Next buffer
, + d Close the buffer
, + F Search by text in entire project
, + 1..9 Change tab
alt + 1..9 Change tab (neovim-qt (sudo apt install neovim-qt))
, + if JsFileImport
, + iF JsFileImportList
, + ig JsGotoDefinition
, + iG JsGotoDefinition
, + ip PromptJsFileImport
, + is SortJsFileImport
, + ic JsFixImport
F4 Toggle Terminal
F5 Exit Terminal Mode
, + shift + B Run the current file
ctrl + ] Go to definition of Class \ Method on cursor
} Go to next blank line (Cool for navigation)
{ Go to previous blank line (Cool for navigation)

Git Epic Commands

Command Action
, + gs Show de status
, + gd Show de Git Diff of current File (cool to use with ,gs)
, + gb Open your repository site
, + ga git add . on your project directory
, + gc git commit
, + gg git log, use [q and ]q to navigate in file history
, + ge Leave the git log (Gedit)
, + gh Git checkout
, + gg git pull
, + gm git checkout master
, + gwd Git diff on entire project

TIP: For Git Push, git pull, etc, use , + shift + d to close the buffer faster. (:bd! equivalent)

Ruby \ Rails Epic Commands

Commands Action
, rt Alternate from File to Test
, rm Find the model of current resource
, rc Find controller of curent resource
, rv Find view of current resource (must be on Action in controller)
, rwt Alternate from File to Test but using vsplit
, rwm Find the model of current resource but using vsplit
, rwc Find controller of curent resource but using vsplit
, rwv Find view of current resource (must be on Action in controller) but using vsplit
, ru Run :Rubocop on project
, rwu Run :Rubocop -a on project
]m Navigate to next method definition
[m Navigate to prevous method definition

Running Tests like a boss

Commands Action
, tn Test nearest spec on cursor
, tf Test current opened file
, ta Run Tests on entire project
, tl Run Last Test

Super TIP: If you want to scroll in your test output, you need to do it on normal mode. Press F5 to exit insert mode, and navigate normaly. You close terminal, just use , + shift + D

Copy and Paste with system clipboard (requires xclip)

Commands Action
\y y integrated with system clipboard, do \yy to yank line, or \yw to yank a word, etc...
\p same as \y but for paste


Commands Action
:MarkdownPreview Open current file in browser with markdown preview. It's async!

You can uncomment the line with set clipboard=unnamedplus to make yank always synced with system, but i not recommend (Is really boring when you copy something from outside and use a dd and lost it.)

Recomended material to study:

Want to learn basics of vim?

I really recommend this udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/vim-commands-cheat-sheet/

Very great course!


Run :checkhealth to find some errors.

Autocomplete doesn't work

Go to ~/.config/nvim/plugged/coc.nvim and run yarn.