This gem is a wrapper for the MediaInfo command-line interface.
It calls the MediaInfo command-line interface, and parses the XML output (obtained with mediainfo file.mp4 --Output=XML
). Excepted for the MediaInfo CLI, it's 100% Ruby.
MediaInfo CLI. Installation:
- Mac OS X:
brew install mediainfo
- Debian / Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install mediainfo
gem install mediainfo-simple
require 'mediainfo-simple'
info = "/path/to/file"
That will issue the system call to mediainfo
and parse the output.
# check if there is a stream of some type # true # true
info.image? # false
# check the number of streams of some type # 2
# get metadata about a stream[0].language # "English"[1].language # "French"
See all the metadata attributes supported for each stream type in the corresponding classes in lib/mediainfo-simple/streams.
- add tests
- add methods to get duration in a particular format
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