
Farmers Market site redo in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

_Tap Room React _

Tap in React version

By Victoria Martinez


A recreation of Tap Room class Angular project done in React

Project Structure

React Notes:

Difference between Angular and React

  1. Angular is a complete framework which means it will update the whole tree structure of HTML tags until it reaches the specific item not needs updating.
  2. React is a JavaScript library which uses Virtual DOM. This means it will only updates the part that is required by seeing the difference between the previous and current HTML.
  3. Angular uses two directional data flow where it updates the Real DOM and React uses Virtual DOM and React is only concerned with one -directional data flow.
  4. React only works with "View" of the MVC which means you can choose your own libraries.
  5. React works with JSX and works with inline CSS which means it doesn't work as a string. Instead they are specified with in an object.

Issues during development 1.

Setup/Installation Requirements

Known Bugs

There is no known bugs

Support and contact details

For questions or concerns contact vmartinez72@live.com

Technologies Used

  • Webpack
  • React
  • JSX
  • CSS


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Copyright (c) 2016 Victoria Martinez