
Week 3 C# Creating a entire project from scratch using MVC/MAMP

Primary LanguageC#

C Sharp MVC Directory and File Template

A quicker start for C Sharp projects

By Scott Bergler


This template will create the directories and basic files needed to start a web project in C Sharp. I adapted it from Sayed I. Hashimi's article. The directory structure and file contents are from Epicodus C Sharp curriculum and may not be suited for all projects.

The project files generated will have starter content as outlined in the Epicodus C Sharp course. The template will give relevant namespaces and paths for your project (i.e. Vinter will be replaced everywhere with the name you give to your project - YourProjectName).

The directory/file structure created is:

├── Vinter
│   ├── Controllers
│   │   ├── HomeController.cs
│   │   └── ClassController.cs
│   ├── Models
│   │   └── Class.cs
│   ├── Program.cs
│   ├── Startup.cs
│   ├── Vinter.csproj
│   └── Views
│       ├── Class
│       │   ├── DeleteAll.cshtml
│       │   ├── Index.cshtml
│       │   ├── New.cshtml
│       │   └── Show.cshtml
│       ├── Home
│       │   └── Index.cshtml
└── Vinter.Tests
    ├── ControllerTests
    │   ├── HomeControllerTests.cs
    │   └── ClassControllerTests.cs
    ├── ModelTests
    │   └── ClassTests.cs
    └── Vinter.Tests.csproj

There is a lot more a person could do with this, but I'm keeping this simple for now, trying to stay within the scope of the type of projects we're currently doing at Epicodus. I will be adding to it as the course continues.


Spec 1: Do a thing:
  • Expect: Input: some input; Output: some output;

Setup/Installation Requirements

Clone the code from GitHub.

While following this set up guide, replace both the brackets - [] - and the content between them with the information relevant to your situation. This is just an example guide.

Install the template using the command line interface (cli)/terminal:

  • dotnet new --install [ /Users/Your/Path/Here ]/Vinter.Solution

For example: When cloned to the Epicodus computer Desktop, the path would be /Users/Guest/Desktop/Vinter.Solution. The above command would then be:

  • dotnet new --install /Users/Guest/Desktop/Vinter.Solution

Navigate to the directory that you want your project to be in (i.e. Desktop, Documents, or wherever you keep your projects).

Run the this command in the cli/terminal:

  • dotnet new vinter -n [ YourProjectName ] -o [ YourProjectName ].Solution

For example: If your project is called Banana the command would be:

  • dotnet new vinter -n Banana -o Banana.Solution

Remove .git directory: run this command in YourProjectName.Solution directory.

  • rm -rf .git

Be sure to git init again for a fresh start!

Open the directory in your text editor. Open the .template.config/template.json file and change the author name to your own. Read the article mentioned above for details on this file and how this template was created.

Known Bugs

Support and contact details

Scott Bergler :: commandinghands@gmail.com

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Json, C#.


Licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2018 ** Scott Bergler **