
create a website where users may enter a medical issue and receive a list of local physicians using webpack and API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Victoria Martinez

Website where users may enter a medical issue (ie: “sore throat”, "rash", etc.) into a form, submit it, and receive a list of local physicians.

By Victoria Martinez


This website will let users may enter a medical issue (ie: “sore throat”, "rash", etc.) into a form, submit it, and receive a list of local physicians. The application will use a live API using BetterDoctor API to retrieve medical data.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Go to GitHub and clone https://github.com/vmartinezlive/better-doctor project. Use project url to clone project.
  • User must have own api to use this application: Place your token in an .env file at the top level of your directory. name your API exports.apiKey in .env
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm run start to build and start the dev server


  • A user should be able to enter a medical issue to receive a list of doctors in the Portland area that fit the search query.
  • A user should be able to to enter a name to receive a list of doctors in the Portland area that fit the search query.
  • If the query response includes any doctors, the following information should be included about each doctor: first name, last name, address, phone number, website and whether or not the doctor is accepting new patients (the API provides this data).
  • If the API call results in an error (any message not a 200 OK), the application should return a notification that states what the error is.
  • If the query response doesn't include any doctors (for instance, if no doctors meet the search criteria), the application should return a notification that states that no doctors meet the criteria. (This is not an error so it should be handled separately from any errors.)

Known Bugs

There are no known issues.

Support and contact details

For question or issues, contact

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Webpack
  • Postman
  • BetterDoctor API


Copyright (c) 2019 Victoria Martinez