
sketch work

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cellar Tracker

Personal Inventory Management System, May 3, 2019

By Victoria Martinez


Personal consumer inventory system to keep track of users personal wine inventory.

Timeline of work for May 3, 2019

  • 8am - 9am: Complete Readme
  • 9am - 10am: Create User Stories
  • 10am - 11am: Researched similar application, read through some React libraries, and possible API to use
  • 11am - 12pm: Create Component Tree
  • 12pm - 1pm: Create custom logo on figma
  • 1pm - 2pm: lunch
  • 2pm - 3pm: Complete logo
  • 3pm - 4pm: researched several sites
  • 4pm - 5pm: Started wire-framing

Timeline of work for May 10, 2019

  • 8am - 9am: Watch Net Ninja
  • 9am - 10am: Watch Net Ninja
  • 10am - 11am: Research Materialized
  • 11am - 12pm: Create Sign-in and Landing Component
  • 12pm - 1pm: Worked on App Component
  • 1pm - 2pm: lunch
  • 2pm - 3pm: Worked on SideBar Component
  • 3pm - 4pm: Worked on Cards Component
  • 4pm - 5pm: Stopped at 4pm and continue on Sunday, May 12, 2019

Table of Content

  1. User Stories
  2. Research
  3. Development

Setup/Installation Requirements

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs

Support and contact details

For questions or concerns contact vmartinez72@live.com

Technologies Used

{Tell me about the languages and tools you used to create this app. Assume that I know you probably used HTML and CSS. If you did something really cool using only HTML, point that out.}


Copyright (c) 2019 Victoria Martinez