
PHP solutions to codility tasks

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP solutions to codility tasks from their lessons.

Codility lessons: https://codility.com/programmers/lessons/


This repository represents my solutions to codility algorithmic tasks. The plan is to solve easier tasks first, and gradually solve all, even the hardest tasks at last. All tasks are considered completed only when when their performance is optimal, at best possible big O time and space complexity.

Directory structure example

/lesson x: Lesson name  # Folder for certain lesson 
    solution1.php       # Task1 solution
    solution2.php       # Task2 solution
    solution3.php       # Task3 solution
    lesson.pdf          # Lesson PDF, learn algorithmic basic required to solve tasks

Every solution has description according to this example:

 * CODILITY ANALYSIS: https://codility.com/demo/results/demoQV2PE9-UDK/
 * Correctness:	100%
 * Performance:	100%
 * Task score:	100%
function solution($A)
    // ... some php code


Feel free to fork this repository and solve something in better, i.e. more optimal way.