
Angular 2 and TypeScript JumpStart example

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular 2 JumpStart with TypeScript

The goal of this jumpstart app is to provide a simple way to get started with Angular 2 while also showing several key Angular 2 features. The sample relies on System.js to load TypeScript modules and the required scripts used in the application.

Simply clone the project or download and extract the .zip to get started. Here are a few screenshots from the app:

Angular 2 Concepts Covered

  • TypeScript version that relies on classes and modules
  • Modules are loaded with System.js
  • Defining routes
  • Using Custom Components
  • Using Custom Directives
  • Using Custom Pipes
  • Defining Properties and Using Events in Components/Directives
  • Using the Http object for Ajax calls along with Rx observables
  • Working with Utility and Service classes (such as for sorting and Ajax calls)
  • Using Angular 2 databinding Syntax [], () and [()]

Running the Application

  1. Run npm install to install app dependencies

  2. Run npm start in a separate terminal window to start the server and launch the app

We're hard at work on a new Angular 2 hands-on/instructor-led training course as well as a video course that will be released in 2016!