
A spring that solves your animation problems.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Rushed to get the library out in time for the React-Europe talk. More polished codebase coming tonight!

Warning: very unstable API

<Spring endValue={10}>
  {currentValues => <div>{currentValues}</div>}

Animate a counter to 10, from whatever value it currently is. For more advanced usage, see below.

Will provide npm package soon. For now, please use:

git clone https://github.com/chenglou/react-animation.git
cd react-animation
npm install
npm run build

Then, check out the index.htmls in the demo folders.

What does this library try to solve?

I believe that for 95% of use-cases of animating components, we don't have to resort to using hard-coded easing curves and duration. Set up a stiffness and damping constant for your UI element, and let the magic of physics take care of the rest. This way, you don't have to worry about the more petty questions such as "what if the item's currently animating and is a position x? How do I adjust my time and curve?".

This library also provides an alternative, more powerful API for React's TransitionGroup.

API Usage

let Demo = React.createClass({
  getInitialState() {
    return {open: false};

  handleMouseDown() {
    this.setState({open: !this.state.open});

  render() {
    return (
        <button onMouseDown={this.handleMouseDown}>Toggle</button>
        <Spring className="demo0" endValue={this.state.open ? 400 : 0}>
          {x =>
            <div className="demo0-block" style={{
              WebkitTransform: `translate3d(${x}px, 0, 0)`,
              transform: `translate3d(${x}px, 0, 0)`,
            }} />

--- README work in progress ---


Accepts a endValue prop that's a function (update, currVals) => finalVals. It takes update and currVals and returns a data structure representing the final endValue. currVals will always be the same shape as what endValue returns. The Spring will automatically update between the current value and the final value returned by endValue. update is a function for you to indicate what you want/don't want animated. You can use it like this:

let Demo = React.createClass({
  endValue(update, currVals) {
    // The function `update` given to you is for you to describe what you
    // want animated
    return update({
        stuff: update(10) // you can nest updates,
        importantData: update({data: "won't animate", number: 1}, -1, -1) // Un-update

  render() {
    return (
      <Spring endValue={this.endValue}>
        {currVals => ...}

currVals is the current state of the Spring. In this case currVals would look like this:

let currVals = {
    stuff: 10, // somewhere between where it started and the destination which
               // is 10
    importantData: {
        data: "won't animate",
        number: 1


Same as the Spring but will transition things in and out when you need to unmount components. Takes two other props: willEnter and willLeave.

willEnter: (key, finalVals, currVals) => defaultValForKey

willEnter should return the data structure to replace the missing key in currVals.

willLeave: (key, update, finalVals, currVals, currV) => nextFinalVals

willLeave should return a data structure representing the next final endValue to aim for.