
Simple way to bind keyboard to react with redux.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

React Keys

Simple way to bind keyboard to react with redux.

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Why ?

The need a fast way to bind keys to a react-powered UI with awesome redux for state management.


react-keys requires React 0.14 or later

yarn add react-keys


While not having direct dependencies, react-keys have to be used with react, react-dom and redux :

yarn add react
yarn add react-dom
yarn add redux

Link it with Redux (Otherwise it doesn't work !)

import { keysInit, keyReducer, keysSelector } from 'react-keys';
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import PureMosaic from '../PureMosaic' // Pure React Component

const store = createStore(combineReducers({
  '@@keys': keysReducer, // you need to link the react-keys reducer with the @@keys id

keysInit({store: store}); // add the store there

const Mosaic = connect(() => keysSelector('OneBinderId'))(PureMosaic); // listen every changes of your mosaic like that

keysInit (object)

This is the entry point you need to define your redux store here. You can also define global behaviors

  • store (redux store / mandatory) Link the redux store to react-keys
  • eventCb (function / optional) Define a callback triggered when short/long press are done
  • debounce (number / optional) define a global debounce in ms, it can be overrided by components (default : 10)
  • config (object / optional) define keys to work with, this is the core concept for Keys components and it works as below
  • longPressTouch (array / optional) define list of keycode active for long press handling ( default : [37, 38, 39, 40])

The default config of react-keys is

  left: 37,
  up: 38,
  right: 39,
  down: 40,
  enter: 13,

You can get your computed config by calling like that

import { config } from 'react-keys';
const getConfig = () => config();

You can use them by adding a prop to Keys component with the keyword on before the key with CamelCase (onBack, onUp, onEnter...) You can extend this config by adding your own object config that will extend the default config.


Very basic way to handle keyboard events. Yet is pretty powerfull :-)

import { Keys } from 'react-keys';

function onBack(){
  alert('alert bro');

const Component = ({ isActive }) => {
      <Keys id="rk-basic" 
            onBack={ () => console.log('Did I just push A ?') } 
            active={ isActive } />
      <h1>Check that out !</h1>

<Keys ..options/>

  • id (string / mandatory) component id
  • on${keyCode} (function / optional) keyCode callback
  • active (boolean / optional) determine is Keys component is active (default true)
  • debounce (number / optional) define a debounce for keys press in ms (default global debounce)


A basic component that can execute a callback when observing a sequence. This component has two props:

  • sequence (string / mandatory) the sequence to observe.
  • cb (function / mandatory) the callback to execute.
import { Catcher } from 'react-keys';

const ComponentWithCatcher = () => {
      <Catcher sequence="424242"
            cb={ () => console.log('Yeah ! Cheat code activated') }/>

// When 42 is enter 3 times
// It will print on console 'Yeah ! Cheat code activated'


Fancy React component to deal with space navigation. It handles communication with multiple Binder compoments to create something great !

import {Binder, keysInit} from 'react-keys';

keysInit(); // must call it once at the app starting to enable the triggering

function renderWithId(id) {
  ReactDOM.render(<Mosaic binderId="mosaic-1" selectedId={id}/>, document.getElementById('body'));

function onKey(element) {

const Card = ({id, active}) => {
  const style = active ? 'selected' : '';
  return <li id={id} className={style}>#{id}</li>;

const Mosaic = ({binderId, selectedId}) => {
  return (
        <Card id={binderId + '-1'} active={selectedId === binderId + '-1'}/> // element need a unique id
        <Card id={binderId + '-2'} active={selectedId === binderId + '-2'}/>
        <Card id={binderId + '-3'} active={selectedId === binderId + '-3'}/>


<Binder ...options />

  • id (string / mandatory) Define the binder id
  • active (boolean / optional) determine if binder is active (default false)
  • selector (string / optional) DOM selector which define each element (default li)
  • wrapper (string / optional) DOM selector which define parent element (default document)
  • filter (string / optional) class name which exclude element
  • debounce (number / optional) define a debounce for keys press in ms (default global debounce)
  • enterStrategy (string / optional) define strape strategy on enter: start / mirror / memory / none (default none)
  • refreshStrategy (string / optional) define how the focus behave on binder elements update (which element will be focused): first / previous (default first)
  • position (string / optional) to better handle for enterStrategy (vertial/horizontal) (default horizontal)
  • gap (number / optional) reduce or increase elements margin (default 0)`
  • boundedGap (number / optional) reduce or increase bounded margin (default 0)
  • triggerClick (boolean / optional) elements will trigger a click event on enter event (default true)`
  • topGap (number / optional) reduce or increase last top margin (default 0)
  • longPress (boolean / optional) active long press handler (default true)
  • rightGap (number / optional) reduce or increase last right margin (default 0)
  • leftGap (number / optional) reduce or increase last left margin (default 0)
  • downGap (number / optional) reduce or increase last down margin (default 0)
  • onRight (function / optional) callback for right events function(nextElement)
  • onLeft (function / optional) callback for left events function(nextElement)
  • onUp (function / optional) callback for up events function(nextElement)
  • onDown (function / optional) callback for down events function(nextElement)
  • onEnter (function / optional) callback for enter events function(nextElement)
  • onRightExit (function/string / optional) triggered when right event would go outside the elements block, it can be a function or the binder id we want to reach
  • onLeftExit (function/string / optional) triggered when left event would go outside the elements block, it can be a function or the binder id we want to reach
  • onUpExit (function/string / optional) triggered when up event would go outside the elements block, it can be a function or the binder id we want to reach
  • onDownExit (function/string / optional) triggered when down event would go outside the elements block, it can be a function or the binder id we want to reach


import { Binder, keysSelector } from 'react-keys';

const PureMosaic = ({ selectedId, marginTop, marginLeft }) => {
  return (
      onEnter={ element => console.log(`ENTER with ${element.id}`) }>
      <div id="myWrapper">
          <ul style={{ marginTop: marginTop, marginLeft: marginLeft}}>
            <li id="1" className={selectedId === '1' ? 'selected' : ''}>#1</li>
            <li id="2" className={selectedId === '2' ? 'selected' : ''}>#2</li>
            <li id="3" className={selectedId === '3' ? 'selected' : ''}>#3</li>
            <li id="4" className={selectedId === '4' ? 'selected' : ''}>#4</li>
            <li id="5" className={selectedId === '5' ? 'selected' : ''}>#5</li>
            <li id="6" className={selectedId === '6' ? 'selected' : ''}>#6</li>

const Mosaic = connect(() => keysSelector('rk-binder'))(PureMosaic); // listen every changes of your mosaic like that

the keys store will manage the state of each binders (no matter how many they are). Each state is structured as following

    binder2: {
      id: 'binder2',
      active: false,
      type: 'binder',
      selector: 'li',
      gap: 20,
      boundedGap: 0,
      topGap: 0,
      rightGap: 0,
      leftGap: 0,
      downGap: 0,
      enterStrategy: 'none',
      elements: [
          id: '43',
          coords: {
            id: '43',
            width: 1049,
            height: 37,
            left: 48,
            top: 500,
            down: 537,
            right: 1097
          down: '44',
          marginTop: 0,
          marginLeft: 0
      prevEl: {
        id: '44',
        coords: {
          id: '44',
          width: 1049,
          height: 37,
          left: 48,
          top: 537,
          down: 574,
          right: 1097
        up: '43',
        down: '45',
        marginTop: 0,
        marginLeft: 0
      prevDir: {...},
      nextEl: {
        id: '43',
        coords: {
          id: '43',
          width: 1049,
          height: 37,
          left: 48,
          top: 500,
          down: 537,
          right: 1097
        down: '44',
        marginTop: 0,
        marginLeft: 0
      hasMoved: false,
      marginLeft: 0,
      marginTop: 0,
      wrapper: {
        id: '',
        width: 1089,
        height: 672,
        left: 8,
        top: 8,
        down: 680,
        right: 1097
      downLimit: 611,
      rightLimit: 1097,
      selectedId: '43'

So you can listen the change of theses values for each binder


Selectors give you easy control on your data binder, here few selectors for common use. they return a function

  • isCurrentBinder(binderId) determine if your binder is the current binder
  • isBinderActive(binderId) determine if your binder is active
  • getBinderMarginLeft(binderId) determine marginLeft of a binder
  • getBinderMarginTop(binderId) determine marginTop of a binder
  • getBinderSelectedId(binderId) determine selectedId of a binder

Action launchers

  • activeBinder(binderId, selectedId(optional)) activate a new binder by giving its id (first id by default)
  • resetBinder(binderId, selectedId(optional)) reset binder by giving its id (first id by default)
  • updateBinder(binderId, binderState) when you want to update the state manually (you must know what you do !)

Keys/Binder blockers

For some reason you want sometime block a specific binder or a specific key, you can perform that with these functions. Don't forget to unblock when you block :-)

  • bock(values or array of values(optional)) it can be keyCode or binderId. when no argument are passed, it blocks everything.
  • unblock(values or array of values(optional)) it can be keyCode or binderId. when no argument are passed, it unblocks everything.
  • blockExcept(values or array of values) it can be keyCode or binderId. Note when you want toi except a binder, you have to refers its keyCode associated
blockExcept('binderId', [config().down, config().up, config().left, config().right, config().enter]);
  • unblockExcept(values or array of values) it can be keyCode or binderId.


  • catcher(sequence, callback) it trigger the callback when a string sequence is catched


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