
Primary LanguageTypeScript


npm install && npm run tina-dev

Directory Structure

The directory structure after src will be as follows:

  • assets - global static assets such as images, svgs, company logo, etc.
  • components - global shared/reusable components, such as layout (wrappers, navigation), form components, buttons
  • modules - JavaScript modules (all components under specific page should go here, e.g. modules/dashboard/component.tsx will contain components rendered in pages/dashboard.tsx)
  • store - Global Redux / Zustand store
  • utils - Utilities & helper functions and the like
  • pages - NextJS page files
  • graphql - Apollo/GraphQL files can be found

Naming convensions

  • .ts - utility functions or config files will be follow camelCase.ts
  • .tsx - files that holds react components
    • page - if it's a page file, it should follow kebab-case.tsx
    • component - if it's a component/module, should follow PascalCase.tsx

Path aliasing

Added path aliasing (@folder-name) is used to easily determine which files were imported locally and from library, this is very helpful for better organization of imports. Library imports should come first then local.


Running gen:theme-typings will auto generate typescript definition based on the theme/index.ts configuration. Only works in VSCode.

Setting up husky, lint-staged and commitizen

  • husky is already included under dev dependencies just npm install and .husky directory will be generated for you.
  • lint-staged has to be manually setup in order to avoid unexpected behavior when running the script (see .husky/pre-commit)

We use this tools

Before running the application

Copy the following variables in your local .env

Development env variables


Production env variables
