
jQuery Table Filter is a very simple table filter plugin. The plugin includes almost no configuration options. Instead,it assumes you are going to build your table and filters a certian way.


View an example of jQuery Table Filter in action: http://www.vmichnowicz.com/examples/tablefilter/index.html

How to Use

The filter plugin assumes you are buliding your tables using standard (X)HTML with a thead and tbody. It also assumes that the table data you want to filter on has specific CSS classes assigned to them.

For example, if you want to filter on a person name, then all the table cells that has the name would have a CSS class of something like name. This allows the plugin to easily grab all text within that cell when performing the filter.

The plugin accepts one main object, filters. This object contains one-to-many properties inside it. Example:

filters: {
	id: $('#id'),
	name: $('#name'),
	table_cell_css_class: $('#html_text_input_id')

Earlier it was stated that the CSS classes given to table cells was important. Assuming that you gave your table cells that have peoples names name, then the index for the name property would be name - just as in the example above demonstrates.

The value of the property is a jQuery selector for the (X)HTML input element you are using for the filter.