
📘 A sample UI code project for front-end candidates to implement

Primary LanguageKotlin

Hawk Reference App

This project contains an api for managing a hawk species reference database. The goal of this project is for you to implement the UI screens to manage the hawk reference database.

The UI design is a single page app with two screens. Please reference the screen mockups for the design.

NOTE: The github pdf render is not very good, please download the PDF for proper viewing.

The ui/ folder contains a stub of the Typescript/React/Redux based UI.

You should fork this project and implement the UI based on the design. The UI mocks are purposefully low fidelity and should be interpreted for actual component and view design.

Be creative and demonstrate your UI skills!


To build and run the api you'll need a have docker.

Build API Docker

$ docker-compose build

Run API Server

$ docker-compose up -d

This will run the hawk api on localhost:8000 and a postgres docker for the DB.

Logs from the API server can be viewed by running docker logs hawkapi -f.

Stop API Server

docker-compose down

API Routes

See the OpenAPI/Swagger Spec for details.

Hawk Reference