
Clustering tool for sparse matrices produced by USEARCH

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Clustering tool for sparse matrices produced by USEARCH


The 32-bit version of USEARCH cannot process large distance matrices due to memory limitations. This can be a significant bottleneck when working with large sequence datasets. To overcome this limitation, we present a tool that performs clustering similarly to the usearch -cluster_aggd. Currently, only single linkage and complete linkage methods are implemented.

Quick start

First, use USEARCH to calculate the distance matrix for your sequences with a maximum distance cutoff:

usearch -calc_distmx seqs.fa -tabbedout mx.txt -maxdist 0.3

Next, perform the clustering using the goclust tool:

goclust --input mx.txt --output clusters.txt --cutoff 0.01 --method single

This command is an alternative to the USEARCH clustering command:

usearch -cluster_aggd mx.txt -clusterout clusters.txt -id 0.99 -linkage min


The input for clustering is a "sparse" distance matrix estimated by usearch -calc_distmx, which only stores a subset of distances, omitting pairs with low identities as determined by the maxdist threshold. This significantly reduces the time and space required to compute and store a matrix for large sequence sets. Missing entries in the matrix are assumed to be at the maximum possible distance of 1.0.


Download the goclust binary:

wget https://github.com/vmikk/goclust/releases/download/0.1/goclust
chmod +x goclust


The goclust tool is designed for clustering sequences based on a sparse distance matrix.

Usage example:

goclust --cutoff <float> --includeequal=<bool> --method <string> --input <file> --output <file>


  • --cutoff: This parameter specifies the distance cutoff for clustering. The value must be a floating-point number greater than 0. Clusters are formed by linking sequences that have a pairwise distance less than this cutoff. A lower cutoff value will result in a larger number of smaller clusters, while a higher cutoff may produce fewer, larger clusters.

  • --input: The path to the input file containing pairwise distances. This file should be a "sparse" matrix generated by usearch -calc_distmx, where each row contains the distances between a pair of sequences.

  • --output: The path to the output file where the cluster assignments will be saved. The output file will list each sequence along with its assigned cluster label.

  • --includeequal: This option determines whether distances equal to the specified cutoff should be included in the clustering process. By default, this option is set to true (--includeequal=true), allowing sequences with pairwise distances exactly equal to the cutoff to be included in the same cluster. Setting this option to false (--includeEqual=false) changes the clustering to only consider pairwise distances strictly greater than the cutoff value, potentially leading to more, smaller clusters.

  • --method: Specifies the clustering method to use. Choose single for single linkage where a sequence joins a cluster if it is close to any sequence within the cluster, allowing larger clusters with no upper bound on diameter. Choose complete for complete linkage (equivalent to maximum linkage), where all sequences in a cluster must be within a certain distance threshold from each other, resulting in generally smaller clusters. The default setting is single.


Equivalency of results

Clustering results obtained with goclust closely match those obtained with usearch -cluster_aggd, except for the differences in cluster labels. The Rand index between the two methods is 1, indicating perfect agreement.

Performance benchmark

Input data: mx.txt - sparse distance matrix, 24MB, 1,468 unique sequences, 841,080 lines.

Performance comparisons are conducted using goclust v.0.2 (ex-single_linkage), usearch v.11.0.667 (i86linux32), and hyperfine v.1.18.0:

hyperfine \
  --warmup 3 --runs 5 \
  --export-markdown SING_BENCH.md \
  "usearch -cluster_aggd mx.txt -clusterout clusters_USEARCH.txt -id 0.99 -linkage min" \
  "./goclust --input mx.txt --output clusters_SL.txt --cutoff 0.01 --method single"

The benchmark results are as follows:

Command Mean [s] Min [s] Max [s] Relative
usearch -cluster_aggd 2.593 ± 0.467 2.220 3.160 5.96 ± 3.93
goclust 0.435 ± 0.276 0.218 0.881 1.00

Processing of a larger file (11GB, 29,278 unique sequences, 393,645,092 lines), which usearch -cluster_aggd fails to handle due to memory limitations, takes approximately 144 seconds.