usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT] [-P {http,https}] [-u USER] [-S PASSWORD] [-d] [-H HOST] [-G HOSTGROUP] [-n] [-t THRUK_SERVER] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVER, --server SERVER hostname or ip of thruk server, defaults to ENV THRUK_SERVER -p PORT, --port PORT thruk port default: 443 -P {http,https}, --protocol {http,https} protocol. options: ['http', 'https']. default: https -u USER, --user USER thruk user. deafult: admin -S PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD thruk password. default: admin -d, --details print details on WARN and CRITICAL errors. default False -H HOST, --host HOST print NAGIO status details for host. default hostname -f value -G HOSTGROUP, --hostgroup HOSTGROUP hostgroup summary -n, --no-color disable decorate output with chearfull colors. default True -t THRUK_SERVER, --thruk-server THRUK_SERVER hostname or ip of thruk server, defaults to ENV THRUK_SERVER usage: [-h] [-s SERVER] [-p PORT] [-P {http,https}] [-u USER] [-S PASSWORD] [-d] [-H HOST] [-G HOSTGROUP] [-n] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVER, --server SERVER hostname or ip of thruk server, defaults to ENV THRUK_SERVER -p PORT, --port PORT thruk port default: 443 -P {http,https}, --protocol {http,https} protocol. options: ['http', 'https']. default: https -u USER, --user USER thruk user. deafult: admin -S PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD thruk password. default: admin -d, --details print details on WARN and CRITICAL errors. default False -H HOST, --host HOST print NAGIO status details for host. default hostname -f value -G HOSTGROUP, --hostgroup HOSTGROUP hostgroup summary -n, --no-color disable decorate output with chearfull colors. default True
print thruk summary or alert details for a host or a hostgroup in thruk ( nagios )