
record your screen

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

#xmkgif wrapper for byzanz to capture your screen

Copr build status

small demo

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./xmkgif - wrapper for byzanz

        xmkgif with no parameters will check for $DISPLAY var if available and set
        it will attempt to interact with users other GUI to capture main information.
        Using zenity. If $DISPALY is not set it will simply pritn this help message.\n
        To interupt recording before end of timer simply run xmkgif-stop.

    -d  dration in seconds ( default 10s )
    -D  Delay in seconds ( default 0s )
    -f  Path to the file to store ( default /tmp/gif.gif )
    -c  If mentioned it will record cursor ( default false )
    -F  record in full screen mode ( default False )
            if not specified draw a rectacnlge area you want to capture

        e.g.:   ./xmkgif  -d 3 /tmp/file.gif - will wait for you to draw
                an rectangle area of your screen that you want to capture,
                record it for 3 second and store it in /tmp/file.gif

                ./xmkgif -F -d 3 /tmp/full_file.gif - note the -F param ,
                this will simply record your entire screen for 3 second and
                store this into /tmp/full_file.gif

How to install

dnf install

curl -s https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/mindruv/xmkgif/repo/epel-7/mindruv-xmkgif-epel-7.repo  | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/_copr_mindruv-epel-xmkgif.repo
sudo dnf install xmkgif

create and isntall rpm

rpmbuild -ba xmkgif.spec

using Make file

make install

Manual install



tool to capture your desktop and store it in .gif format https://github.com/GNOME/byzanz


Capture input var's from GUI, used for user interaction.

Build xreactangle

build xreactangle and copy this somewhere to your $PATH gcc -Wall -lX11 xrectangle.c -o xrectangle -lX11

xmkgif - copy this to your path

cp xmkgif /usr/bin/xmkgif or cp xmkgif $HOME/bin/xmkgif


Note: Prereq install byzans on your Computer from github or using your favourite package manager xmkgif is just a wrapper for byzanz it will help you select a screen area using xtrectangle or capture entire screen

TODO: build and publish an RPM


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DEMO GUI - start

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DEMO GUI - result

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DEMO GUI - partial screen

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