This repo contains my latex files. Most of them are source files of my academic
papers published during my Master study. They are: 

    Ming Chen, Zhenyong Chen, Xiao Zeng, Zhang Xiong, "Model Order Selection in
    Reversible Image Watermarking," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal
    Processing, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 592-604, 2010. 

    Lixin Luo, Zhenyong Chen, Ming Chen, Xiao Zeng, and Zhang Xiong, "Reversible
    Image Watermarking Using Interpolation Technique," IEEE Transactions on
    Information Forensics and Security, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 187-193, March 2010.

    Ming Chen, Zhenyong Chen, Xiao Zeng, Zhang Xiong, "Reversible Data Hiding
    Using Additive Prediction-Error Expansion," ACM Workshop on Multimedia and
    Security, Princeton, NJ, 2009, pp. 16-21.

    Ming Chen, Zhenyong Chen, Xiao Zeng, Zhang Xiong, "Reversible Image
    Watermarking with Full Context Prediction," IEEE International Conference on
    Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, 2009, pp. 4253-4256.

jstsp.tex, icip.tex, mmsec.tex are source files of these papers. 
icip-poster.pdf is the poster for ICIP 2009 at Cario.
mmsec-slides.tex is the slides for MMSEC 2009 in Princeton University.
other .tex are sources of pictures I drew using PSTricks.
.mp are sources of pictures I drew using Metapost.
.asy are sources of pictures I drew using Asymptote.
wmbib.bib is my bibtex file