Mitris Victor
334 CC
Homework 3 ASC - Image Compression using Block Truncation Coding on Cell BroadBand Engine

For compilation go in ppu folder and execute make, which creates tema3 executable.

Used malloc_align to align the memory to 16.

The PPU distrubutes the blocks to the SPU. Each SPU has image.height/( BLOC * num_spus) block lines, where a block line has 8 raws from the initial matrix and BLOC = 8.The last SPU  will have a different number of block lines if the raws do not divides at 64. The PPU waits for the threads to finnish, creates the images and shows the duration.


-receives the structure from PPU through mfc_get
-takes the block line using DMA Lists and sends the result back through DMA Lists
-the decompresion is calculated at the same step in spu, the bitplan being already calculated

Execution duration:

Image in1.pgm
	E/D: 1.215526 s
	Total: 1.773706

Image in2.pgm
	E/D: 2.365488
	Total: 3.281073

Image in3.pgm
	E/D: 3.22005
	Total: 4.173148

Using 1 SPU:
Image in1.pgm :	-Total time: 0.941898
					-E/D time: 0.546276

Image in2.pgm :	-Total time: 1.794664
					-E/D time: 1.112178

Image in3.pgm :	-Total time: 2.462137
					-E/D time: 1.541288

Using 2 SPU:
Image in1.pgm :	-Total time: 0.649200
					-E/D time: 0.273890

Image in2.pgm :	-Total time: 1.147989
					-E/D time: 0.551539

Image in3.pgm :	-Total time: 1.728712
					-E/D time: 0.791193

Using 4 SPU:
Image in1.pgm :	Total time :0.453506
					E/D time :0.139397

Image in2.pgm :	Total time :0.881267
					E/D time :0.282018

Image in3.pgm :	Total time :1.370458
					E/D time :0.432788

Using 8 SPU:
Image in1.pgm :	Total time :0.389270
					E/D time :0.080825

Image in2.pgm :	Total time :0.889139
					E/D time :0.159049

Image in3.pgm :	Total time :1.189580
					E/D time :0.214132

The result is that the more SPU's are used the lower the duration(It scales).
The difference between the images is 0%.