
Customize your linux shell with one command line!

Primary LanguageShell

Improve your Shell

You use Linux shell every day? You make some mistyping? You like colors? Or you're just lazy?

This trick will change your life!

You just have to type in a single command line in your shell. Then your shell will be "patched".

(no root required, just patch user's ".bashrc")


Install or update :

bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/vT9wm)

Remove :

bash <(curl -Ls http://git.io/vTdtT)

Try just for current session : (No file will be installed on your computer)

source <(curl -Ls http://git.io/vT9MS)


  • New prompt (see screenshots below)
  • Auto cd (just type a dir name into bash)
  • Spell check for directories
  • Secure commands like rm/chmod to avoid some regrettable things
  • Retrieves typos (like "sl" for "ls" or "gut" for "git")
  • Many usefull alias
    • git : gs, ga, gc...
    • path : www, home, cd., cd.., cd..., cd-, ..
    • sysadmin : ports, fastping, psmem10, pscpu10, webshare
  • Somes cool functions
    • gitAliasSetUp : to configure some shortcut in git (git st, git co, ...)
    • greeting : to welcome you
  • Easy to add you own customization (cf: "Additionnals tips" part )

To know all features, you can take a look at the "bash_completion" file.

Prompt screenshots

Normal user :

Screenshot Prompt1

Normal user with git :

Screenshot Prompt2

Root user :

Screenshot Prompt3

SSH connection :

Screenshot Prompt4

Additionnals tips

You can add your own bash modifications by creating a file called : (in your homedir)


Example for your personnal file : (shoud be in ~/.bash_personnal_completion)

# display a greeting
# remove an alias already setted up
unalias cgrep
# set new personnal alias
alias hello='echo HelloWorld'
# create your own var
export mydir='/home/myName/myFavoriteDir/'


By vmizoules - https://github.com/vmizoules/ImproveYourShell

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time