
OCI DevOps Secrets

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OCI DevOps Secrets


This repository is a minimal complete verifiable issue report.

OCI DevOps fails when reading OCI Vault secrets with special character content.

This report uses Terraform to deploy Vault, Master key and two Secrets. It also deploys DevOps Project and Deployment Pipeline with a command_spec.yaml that read the secret content from the secret OCID.

    GOOD_SECRET: ${good_secret_id}
    BAD_SECRET: ${bad_secret_id}
  • Default Good Secret content: abcde123
  • Default Bad Secret content: qwe<rt(y=123

The content can be changed with a terraform variable in terraform.tfvars:

  • good_secret_content = "anothervalue"
  • bad_secret_content = "anothervalue"

This issue is important because the secret could be an OCI User Auth Token, and OCI generates Auth Tokens with special characters.

Deploy the infrastructure

Clone repository:

git clone https://github.com/vmleon/oci-devops-secrets.git

Change to the cloned directory:

cd oci-devops-secrets

Copy terraform.tfvars from the template.

cp terraform/terraform.tfvars.template terraform/terraform.tfvars

Edit terraform.tfvars to fit your environment.

vim terraform/terraform.tfvars


List region names:

oci iam region-subscription list --query 'data[]."region-name"'

Search for Tenancy OCID:

oci iam compartment list --query 'data[0]."compartment-id"'

Search for a Compartment OCID by COMPARTMENT_NAME:

oci iam compartment list --all \
   --compartment-id-in-subtree true \
   --query "data[].id" --name "COMPARTMENT_NAME"

Change to the terraform directory:

cd terraform

Run terraform init.

terraform init

Run terraform apply.

terraform apply -auto-approve

The issue error message

When the deployment is finished, go to Menu > Developer Services > OCI DevOps.

Access the DevOps project and click on the Deployment Pipeline.

Click Run pipeline and Start manual run on the next screen, then wait for the error.

Error message syntax error near unexpected token (' and BAD_SECRET=qwe<rt(y=123':

Executing step: GOOD_SECRET with shell type: bash, user: root, timeout: 10000   
EXEC: Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2020' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.   
EXEC: /shared/docker-vol/agent-dir/ext/script/COMMAND_SPEC_SECRET_VARIABLES: line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `('   
EXEC: /shared/docker-vol/agent-dir/ext/script/COMMAND_SPEC_SECRET_VARIABLES: line 2: `BAD_SECRET=qwe<rt(y=123'   
Step 'GOOD_SECRET' failed with exit code: '2', please check the commands on the build spec file.   
Failed executing step : GOOD_SECRET, proceeding to execute the onFailure block.   

Error message

Clean up

Run the terraform destroy:

terraform destroy -auto-approve