OS Management

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure OS Management service allows you to manage updates and patches for the operating system environment on your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure instances.

Start OSMS agent

Install package (Oracle Linux 8)

sudo yum install -y osms-agent

It might be already installed

Check if it is running with...

ps -elf | grep osms | grep -v grep


sudo systemctl status oracle-cloud-agent

Create a Dynamic Group

Matching rule: ALL {instance.compartment.id = '<ocid1.compartment.oc1...>' }

Write two policies

Allow dynamic-group <dynamic-group-name> to use osms-managed-instances in compartment vmartin

Allow dynamic-group <dynamic-group-name> to read instance-family in compartment vmartin

## Check Oracle Linux receive updates from OSMS

sudo yum repolist

This system is receiving updates from OSMS server.

Go to Compute > Instances. Select your instance in the list. Then scroll down and on the left menu select OS Management. You should see something like this:

OSMS example

You can click the three dots and Update All Updates

Update All

Confirm the updates:

And check the progress on the detail page:

You can cherry pick as well updates depending on your taste.