
Signs AWS CloundFront URLs to serve files from S3 / runs on Docker + ECS / JUnit UI Tests / DataDog API Intergration

Primary LanguageGo

Alcatel AWS Web Microservice

Signs AWS CloundFront URLs to serve files from S3

Usage of ales3front:
  -awsBucket string
        aws bucket name (default "support-pub-dev")
  -awsCred string
        aws credentials profile from ~/.aws/credentials (default "ale-s3app")
  -awsRegion string
        aws region (default "us-east-1")
  -cdnHost string
        CloudFront CDN Hostname and http|https prefix (default "http://cdn-dev.alcalcs.com/")
  -cdnPath string
        URL path prefix to pass to CDN (default "/cdn/")
  -cfExpHours int
        CloudFront Signed URL Expiration (in hours) (default 1)
  -cfKeyFile string
        CloudFront Signer Key File Location
  -cfKeyID string
        CloudFront Signer Key ID
  -htmlPath string
        absolute or relative path to html templates (default "./html")
  -httpPort string
        HTTP Port (default "8080")
  -rootToken string
        With this token any download is allowed (default "gTxHrJ")

REV: # Wed: March 9 2016 /