This Docker image contains a virtual showroom and playground for various applications using dtn7-rs. To play with the container docker on arm64 or x64 is needed as well as a VNC client.
Currently, the following example scenarios are included:
- dtn dwd: delay-tolerant weather warnings
- dtnchat: a simple text-based dtn chat including a chatbot
- NNTP DTN: a NNTP-to-DTN gateway for group discussions using thunderbard, pan, etc.
Only the
script or docker itself are needed:
$ docker run --rm -it --name showroom -p 5901:5901 --privileged -v /tmp/shared:/shared gh0st42/dtn7-showroom
'########::'########:'##::: ##:'########::'######::'##::::'##::'#######::'##:::::'##:'########:::'#######:::'#######::'##::::'##:
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##:::: ##:::: ##:::: ##:. ###::: ##:::::'##::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##: ##: ##: ##::. ##:: ##:::: ##: ##:::: ##: ##:.:: ##:
########::::: ##:::: ##::. ##::: ##:::::. ######:: ##:::: ##:. #######::. ###. ###:: ##:::. ##:. #######::. #######:: ##:::: ##:
==> vnc://
==> password: sneakers
You can then connect with any VNC client to the local dtn7 showroom instance with the password sneakers
NOTE: In case of weird connection problems within the showroom, please make sure that ebtables and sch_netem kernel modules are loaded!
Just run docker build -t dtn7-showroom .
and run it with docker run --rm -it --name showroom -p 5901:5901 --privileged -v /tmp/shared:/shared dtn7-showroom