Blog API

The core functionality of this platform includes managing blog posts and their associated comments.


Run the components

This API uses Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, RabbitMQ and also a .NET Aspire to collect metrics and logs. In the root folder of the project, there is a file called docker-compose.yml. To run the necessary infrastructure, you need to execute the command docker-compose up in the directory containing this file.

Run the project

After running the docker-compose.yml file, you can run the project located in the \src\Blog.Api\ directory using the command dotnet run https and then access the address http://localhost:5265/swagger/index.html to view the Swagger documentation.

The Aspire metrics will be available at http://localhost:18888/


  • Add resilience to the queue and integration components, including retry and, if necessary, circuit breaker.
  • Add distributed caching for the post endpoint.
  • Add API versioning.
  • Add more unit tests.
  • Add integration tests using SpecFlow and Testcontainers.
  • Add a lock for message count updates