
.Net package containing the methods of text encryption and decrypting the encrypted text with the Caesar encryption algorithm

Primary LanguageC#

https://www.nuget.org/packages/SecurityEncryption/ -> You can download the package from this link and secure encryption and decryption.

Example Usage

Caesar Cipher

  • var encrypt = CeaserCipher.Encryption("Text to Encrypt"); -> encrypts text
  • var solve = CeaserCipher.Descryption(encrypt); -> decrypts encrypted text

Displacement Cipher

  • var encrypt = Displacement.Encryption("Text to Encrypt"); -> encrypts text
  • var solve = Displacement.Descryption(encrypt); -> decrypts encrypted text

Zigzag Cipher

  • ZigzagCipher zigzag = new ZigzagCipher("Text to Encrypt",key) -> The value of key will determine the number of rows in the matrix.
  • var encrypt = zigzag.Encryption(); -> encrypts text
  • var solve = zigzag.Descryption(); -> decrypts encrypted text

Vigenere Cipher

  • StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Text to Encrypt");
  • const string key = "keyword";
  • VigenereCipherr.Encryption(ref stringBuilder, key); // encrypts text
  • Console.WriteLine(stringBuilder);
  • VigenereCipherr.Descryption(ref stringBuilder, key); // decrypts encrypted text
  • Console.WriteLine(stringBuilder);

Aes Cipher

  • var encrypt = AesCipher.AESEncrypt("Text to Encrypt"); -> encrypts text
  • var dencrypt = AesCipher.AESDecrypt(encrypt); -> decrypts encrypted text

Des Cipher

  • var encrypt = DesCipher.Encryption("Şifrelecek Metin"); -> encrypts text
  • var dencrypt = DesCipher.Descryption(encrypt); -> decrypts encrypted text