
Graph Path Finding Algorithm Visualizer using reactJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Algorithm Visualizer

Algorithm Visualizer is a Front-end Web Application to visualize various graph path-finding algorithms.

Visit the web app by clicking here 🚀


  • BFS
  • Bi-directional BFS
  • DFS
  • Greedy Best first search
  • A* search
  • Dijkstra's

Tech Stack

  • React JS
  • BootStrap

How it Works

  • User can drag around a start and end node and set them in any place.
  • User can draw walls by clicking an dragging the mouse pointer.
  • User can optionally randomize the walls in the maze and add more walls by dragging the mouse.
  • User can add weights to blocks and can randomize the weights.
  • Users can then choose a speed of the visualization.

Screen Shot
