
A simple HDL implementation of a MIPS processor

Primary LanguageVHDL

A simple implementation of a MIPS processor.

The current design is a single-cycle execution, unlike the pipe-lined
model that is ubiquitous these days.

Most of the code is written using VHDL (I may convert to Verilog later).

  MIPS Simulator:  QtSpim
  VHDL Simulator:  Altera ModelSim
  Diagram Generation:  Altera Quartus II / RTL Viewer

Running the Test Bench:
1. Run Altera ModelSim:
  $ ~/altera/11.1/modelsim/linux/vsim
2. Compile the test-bench entities.
  > do compile.do
2. In the Transcript, load the Test Bench top-level entity.
  > vsim tb_mips
3. After the simulator view begins, load the waveforms.
  > do wave.do
4. Start the simulation.
  > run 500 ns
  There will be an error at the end when the PC goes past the last instruction.

Running the Sort Algorithm:
1. Run Altera ModelSim:
  $ ~/altera/11.1/modelsim/linux/vsim
2. Compile the test-bench entities.
  > do sort_compile.do
2. In the Transcript, load the Test Bench top-level entity.
  > vsim sort_mips
3. After the simulator view begins, load the waveforms.
  > do sort_wave.do
4. Start the simulation.
  > run 1000 ns
  There will be an error at the end when the PC goes past the last instruction.