
Automated Integration Testing and Live Documentation for your API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

CircleCI Codecov PyPI version

A library for your API that provides:

  • Automated Integration Testing
  • Automated Live Documentation

Given an API specification, written in YAML/JSON format, ScanAPI hits the specified endpoints, runs the test cases, and generates a detailed report of this execution - which can also be used as the API documentation itself.

With almost no Python knowledge, the user can define endpoints to be hit, the expected behavior for each response and will receive a full real-time diagnostic report of the API!



How to install

$ pip install scanapi

Basic Usage

You will need to write the API's specification and save it as a YAML or JSON file. For example:

    - name: scanapi-demo # The API's name of your API
      path: http://demo.scanapi.dev/api/ # The API's base url
        - name: list_all_devs # The name of the first request
          path: devs/ # The path of the first request
          method: get # The HTTP method of the first request
            - name: status_code_is_200 # The name of the first test for this request
              assert: ${{ response.status_code == 200 }} # The assertion

And run the scanapi command

$ scanapi <file_path>

Then, the lib will hit the specified endpoints and generate a scanapi-report.html file with the report results.

An overview screenshot of the report. A screenshot of the report showing the request details. A screenshot of the report showing the response and test details

You can find complete examples at scanapi/examples!



$ scanapi --help
Usage: scanapi [OPTIONS] [SPEC_PATH]

  Automated Testing and Documentation for your REST API. SPEC_PATH argument
  is the API specification file path.

  -o, --output-path PATH          Report output path.
  -c, --config-path PATH          Configuration file path.
  -t, --template PATH             Custom report template path.
                                  Set the debug logging level for the program.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Syntax - API Specification Keys

KEY Description Type Scopes
api It is a reserved word that marks the root of the specification and must not appear in any other place dict root
assert The test assertion dict tests
body The HTTP body of the request dict request
endpoints Represents a list of API endpoints list endpoint
headers The HTTP headers dict endpoint, request
method The HTTP method of the request (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE). If not set, GET will be used string request
name An identifier string endpoint, request, test
params The HTTP query parameters dict endpoint, request
path A part of the URL path that will be concatenated with possible other paths string endpoint, request
requests Represents a list of HTTP requests list endpoint
tests Represents a list of tests to run against a HTTP response of a request list request
vars Key used to define your custom variables to be used along the specification dict endpoint, request
${custom var} Syntax to get the value of the custom variables defined at key vars string request - after vars definition
${ENV_VAR} Syntax to get the value of an environment variable string endpoint, request
${{python_code}} Syntax to get the value of a Python code expression string request

Environment Variables

You can use environment variables in your API spec file with the syntax


For example:

$ export BASE_URL="http://demo.scanapi.dev/api/"
    - name: scanapi-demo
      path: ${BASE_URL}
        - name: health
          method: get
          path: /health/

ScanAPI would call the following http://demo.scanapi.dev/api/health/ then.

Heads up: the variable name must be in upper case.

Custom Variables

You can create custom variables using the syntax:

  - name: my_request
      my_variable_name: my_variable_value

And in the next requests you can access them using the syntax:


Python Code

You can add Python code to the API specification by using the syntax:


For example

  uuid: 5c5af4f2-2265-4e6c-94b4-d681c1648c38
  name: Tarik
  yearsOfExperience: ${{2 + 5}}
    - ruby
  newOpportunities: false

What I can use inside the ${{}} syntax? Any python code that can run inside an eval python command. A short list of modules will be already available for you. They are all the imports of this file.

Chaining Requests

Inside the request scope, you can save the results of the response to use in the next requests. For example:

  - name: list_all
    method: get
      dev_id: ${{response.json()[2]["uuid"]}}

The dev_id variable will receive the uuid value of the 3rd result from the devs_list_all request

If the response is

        "uuid": "68af402f-1084-40a4-b9b2-6bb5c2d11559",
        "name": "Anna",
        "yearsOfExperience": 5,
        "languages": [
        "newOpportunities": true
        "uuid": "0d1bd106-c585-4d6b-b3a4-d72dedf7190e",
        "name": "Louis",
        "yearsOfExperience": 3,
        "languages": [
        "newOpportunities": true
        "uuid": "129e8cb2-d19c-41ad-9921-cea329bed7f0",
        "name": "Marcus",
        "yearsOfExperience": 4,
        "languages": [
        "newOpportunities": false

The dev_id variable will receive the value 129e8cb2-d19c-41ad-9921-cea329bed7f0

API specification in multiple files

With !include, it is possible to build your API specification in multiple files.

For example, these two files

# api.yaml
    - name: scanapi-demo
      path: ${BASE_URL}
      requests: !include include.yaml
# include.yaml
- name: health
  path: /health/

would generate:

    - name: scanapi-demo
      path: ${BASE_URL}
        - name: health
          path: /health/

Configuration File

If you want to configure the ScanAPI with a file, you can create a .scanapi.yaml file in the root of your project

project_name: DemoAPI # This will be rendered in the Report Title.
spec_path: my_path/api.yaml # API specification file path
output_path: my_path/my-report.html # Report output path.
template: my_template.jinja # Custom report template path.

Hiding sensitive information

If you want to omit sensitive information in the report, you can configure it in the .scanapi.yaml file.

      - Authorization

The following configuration will print all the headers values for the Authorization key for all the request as SENSITIVE_INFORMATION in the report.

In the same way you can omit sensitive information from response.

      - Authorization

Available attributes to hide: headers, body and url.


Collaboration is super welcome! We prepared the CONTRIBUTING.md file to help you in the first steps. Every little bit of help counts! Feel free to create new GitHub issues and interact here.

Let's build it together 🚀