
Variant support for Piggybak

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

PiggybakVariants Gem (Engine)

Advanced variant support for Piggybak.


In your Gemfile add gem "piggybak_variants"

Run bundle install

Run rake piggybak_variants:install:migrations Migrate the DB rake db:migrate

Add acts_as_sellable_with_variants to any model that should have variants. You may need to add appropriate attr_accessible settings in your model as well, depending on your attribute accessibility settings.

In the admin, define option configurations and option values for each option, then create variants for your sellable instances.

Finally, add <%= variant_cart_form(@instance) %> to your sellable item's show page to render the cart form.

OPTION: <%= variant_cart_form(@instance, :controls => 'dropdowns') %> to render dropdowns instead of radio buttons.

So either add that line, or if you already have it enabled just add piggybak_variants/piggybak_variants.js to the array of values.


  • Notes specified in variant.rb


Copyright (c) 2012 End Point. See LICENSE for further details.