
Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Common Table Expressions (CTE) for Django

Build Status PyPI version


pip install django-cte


Simple Common Table Expressions

Simple CTE queries can be constructed using With. A custom CTEManager is used to add the CTE to the final query.

from django_cte import CTEManager, With

class Order(Model):
    objects = CTEManager()
    id = AutoField(primary_key=True)
    region = ForeignKey("Region", on_delete=CASCADE)
    amount = IntegerField(default=0)

cte = With(

orders = (
    cte.join(Order, region=cte.col.region_id)

Orders returned by this query will have a region_total attribute containing the sum of all order amounts in the order's region.

Simple Common Table Expressions with custom Manager and QuerySets

If you need to use a custom QuerySets these should have a base class derived from CTEQuerySet.

class PremiumOrdersQueySet(CTEQuerySet):
    return self.filter(amount__gt=100)

class PremiumOrders(Orders):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    objects = PremiumOrdersQueySet.as_manager()

These can also be use with custom Manager or Manager and QuerySet

class CustomManager(CTEManager):
    def special_method(self):

class AltOrders(Orders):
    class Meta:
        proxy = True

    premium = CustomManager.from_queryset(PremiumOrdersQueySet)()
    objects = CustomManager()

Recursive Common Table Expressions

Recursive CTE queries can be constructed using With.recursive.

class Region(Model):
    objects = CTEManager()
    name = TextField(primary_key=True)
    parent = ForeignKey("self", null=True, on_delete=CASCADE)

def make_regions_cte(cte):
    return Region.objects.filter(
        # start with root nodes
        depth=Value(0, output_field=IntegerField()),
        # recursive union: get descendants
        cte.join(Region, parent=cte.col.name).values(
                cte.col.path, Value("\x01"), F("name"),
            depth=cte.col.depth + Value(1, output_field=IntegerField()),

cte = With.recursive(make_regions_cte)

regions = (
    cte.join(Region, name=cte.col.name)

Regions returned by this query will have path and depth attributes. The results will be ordered by path (hierarchically by region name). In this case path is a '\x01'-delimited string of region names starting with the root region.

See tests for more advanced examples.

Running tests

cd django-cte
mkvirtualenv cte  # or however you choose to setup your environment
pip install django nose flake8

flake8 --config=setup.cfg

Uploading to PyPI

Package and upload the generated files.

pip install -r pkg-requires.txt

python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*