On Feb 24, 2022 at 4:00 (GMT +2, Kyiv) Russia has launched a devastating attack on Ukraine, a European democracy of 44 million people, bombarding its cities.
That's why we create ban-dera.com. It is a website for running continuous russian websites stress-test.
We're tried to make this website as simple as possible. There are no any special skills required for using it, just open website: all the processes will be executed automatically. Here is exactly how this script works:
- The list with target websites will be loaded.
- First 10 websites to attack will be chosen randomly. You can also change amount of target.
- Your device will send requests 10 times per second to each website from selected list. You can change this speed too.
- Change the number of simultaneously attacked targets.
- Change the speed of requests.
- Manually remove website from attack list.
- Pin target.
This project created with Laravel and Vue framework. Here is instruction how you can copy it to your own server.
- Clone git repository.
- Open terminal in destination path root.
- Install composer dependencies
path/to/your/repo> composer install
- Make copy of .env.example file and save it without .example extension.
- Change APP_URL with your webserver endpoint.
- Set APP_SECRET key to use it later in your cron task to call
API endpoint.
curl --header "X-App-Secret: {your_app_secret_here}" {your_route_here}
- Set the key that Laravel will use when doing encryption.
php artisan key:generate
- Write down your credentials to DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD.
- Run database migration. This action will create all required tables in your database.
php artisan migrate
- Fill up targets table by running DB seeder.
php artisan db:seed
- Run NPM build
npm install
npm run production
- You can also run local webserver:
php artisan serve
- To preview and compile all the assets in live mode (if you have separate local env like WAMP) run:
npx mix watch
That's it! Now you have your own ban-dera!
There are no any requirements for using VPN, but it is recommended. Here is some popular VPN services:
Thank you for considering contributing to the Ban-DERA!
WARNING! Using this website may slow down your computer and network. We are not responsible for any damage that may be caused by the use of the site.