Welcome to Muirwik.
Muirwik gets it name from being a Material UI React wrapper written in Kotlin.
For more information, see the above links (particularly Material UI as its documentation will be important in terms of figuring out how this works.
Also see the Kotlin Wrappers page, as this project uses most of the wrappers there too.
The first issue holds a couple of screenshots (not because of any issue, just didn't know where else to put them :-)).
I started this off as a process to learn Kotlin. I wanted to do some web development and in the past used things like Vaadin and before that a small amount of facelets and jsf.
Watching David Ford's KotlinConf Videos got me started down the Kotlin javascript and React trail... I have learnt lots of things along the way (and still have much more to learn!).
By reading the above, you will note that I am no Kotlin, javascript (and by extension, node or webpack) expert... there has been lots of leanings along the way, and I no doubt have done things in not the most perfect way.
However, what this is is a working multi-module Kotlin DSL gradle build that wraps quite a large javascript material design library. It provides a working demo app (see screen shots) and is quite a good starting point for real applications... (at least I think so). Quite a few hours were spent just trying to make the basic development workflow work.
Make sure you have gradle and the yarn package manager installed (and not the yarn that comes with cmdtest in Ubuntu :-)), then the following should work:
git clone https://github.com/cfnz/muirwik.git
cd muirwik/testapp
gradle yarn
gradle build
gradle webpackDevServerOpenBrowser
Note that I have not taken the time to make the demo app perfect. Some of the components could be laid out better. To see what is possible, see the Material UI demo.
Well, lots really, but as mentioned, it is in a working state as it is...
There are none, zip, zero, naught. The Material UI framework has them, but other than the test app, which is for user based testing and experimentation, there is nothing else. I am not familiar with any javascript testing framework, so the only way I have tested thus far is with the demo app.
State management via Redux (or something) is something I have been meaning to look into. In the test app, most of state is in local vars rather than in State objects. I tried both, but saw no real benefit in the state objects rather than state vars. It didn't seem to help with hot module reloading either. It didn't seem to help with anything much. Perhaps, with Redux it might all be quite different... it would be nice if Hot Module Reloading worked with state (as seen in various React videos) and maybe it would with Redux, but I have not gone down that track yet.
Talking of HMR, I have it enabled in the development workflow... even without reloading of current state, it does reload the app better than without it.
Feedback and contributions are welcome :-).