This repository contains scripts to train (fine-tune) individual (edge and cloud), Siminet and EarlyDiscard models on PKU-MMD dataset. This code is cloned and modified from the original repository of 3D-ResNets. Please refer to the original repository for more customization options.
We thank authors of 3D-ResNets and Efficient-3DCNNs for making their codebase public.
The code is tested with the following software packages.
- Python 3.6.3
- Pytorch 1.4.0
- Torchvision 0.2.0
- Pillow 6.0.0
- Sklearn 0.23.0
- Cuda 10.0, cuDNN 7.6.4
- Download pre-trained models on Kinetics
The pre-trained 3D-ResNet models on Kinetics are downloaded from here. Similarly, for 3D-MobileNets from here. Save it in a directory, for example, $HOME/datasets/PKUMMD/models/
- Download PKUMMD dataset
Please download RGB video data compressed in .avi
format in 30 FPS from here. Extract RGB JPEG frames and save it in, for example, $HOME/datasets/PKUMMD/rgb_frames/<video_name>/image_00001.jpg
For the paper, the frames were saved in (171, 128) JPEG size format. That means, for model input size 224, the Scale
transform will upscale the frame. Saving frames in higher resolution format and then downsampling it to fit the model input size might improve the performance of individual model. Note that our goal is not to optimize the performance of individual models but to show the performance of fusion method defined in the Clownfish paper.
You can use the following programs,
- Convert from avi to jpg files using
python3 ./ <avi_video_directory> <jpg_video_directory>
- Generate n_frames using
python3 ./ <jpg_video_directory>
Assume/Create the structure of dataset directories in the following way:
Few examples are presented below,
- Train an individual model, for example, ResNext-101 with batch_size 32
$ model="resnext-101" batch_size=32 run_type="train" ./
- Dump scores for an individual model, for example, Resnet-18 for validation (here, testing) videos
$ model="resnet-18" run_type="predict" predict_type"val" ./
- Train SimiNet model on the features of local model, Resnet-18 with checkpoint number 288
$ model="siminet" ckpt_num=288 ./
- Train 3D-MobileNet for early discard
$ model="mobilenet-early-discard" ./
For more options, please check the script file ./