is a go library that wrapup common CRUD functions of the data service layer to access a database. As a common application, it frequently re-implements the following functions with its data model:
- Create model
- Update full model
- Update specific columns
- Get a model by ID
- Get list model
- Delete by ID
The dataservicex
uses generic, goqu, and sqlx to implement the common functions.
Import library to your project
go get -u
import (
_ ""
type Person struct {
ID int64 `db:"person_id" goqu:"skipupdate"`
Name string `db:"name"`
Age int64 `db:"age"`
func (Person) TableName() string {
return "person"
func (Person) IDColumnName() string {
return "person_id"
func main() {
db, _ := sqlx.Connect("mysql", connStr)
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](db)
You can specific Dialect of database query generating
dialect := goqu.Dialect("mysql")
dataService = dataservicex.NewDataServices(db, dataservicex.WithDialect[Person](dialect))
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
createdPerson, err := dataService.Create(context.Background(), Person{
Name: "Thuc Le",
Age: 25,
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
updatingID := 1
updatedPerson, err := dataService.Update(context.Background(), updatingID, Person{
Name: "Thuc Le",
Age: 25,
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
updatingID := 1
updatedPerson, err := dataService.UpdateColumns(context.Background(),
"name": "Thuc Le",
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
person, err := dataService.GetByID(context.Background(), 1)
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
personList, err := dataService.GetList(context.Background())
func main() {
dataService := dataservicex.NewDataServices[Person](...)
err := dataService.Delete(context.Background(), 1)
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