
Rate Limiter Example

Primary LanguageGo

Rate Limiter Example

Rate Limiter Example is repository that provides the implementation rate limiter in Go.


  • Go
  • Redis


To install and run the project, follow these steps:

  • clone the repositry: git clone https://github.com/vnurhaqiqi/rate-limiter-example.git
  • Navigate to the project repository: cd rate-limiter-example
  • Run the application: go run main.go


Once the application is running, You can access it using Web Browser or API Client such as Postman. The application provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /custom-rate-limiter: this endpoint will show you the implementation of custom rate limiter by using bucket token algorithm
  • Many more to come...


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact at viqinurhaqiqi@gmail.com. You can also find Me at twitter, vnurhaqiqi.
