
A Metatrader 5 Web API Wrapper for Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel MT5

This is Laravel 6.x package wrapper library for Metatrader 5 Web API



To install the package, in terminal:

composer require tarikhagustia/laravel-mt5


If you don't use auto-discovery, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5Provider"

and then you can configure connection information to MT5 with this .env value



Create Deposit

use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\Entities\Trade;
use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5;

$api = new LaravelMt5();
$trade = new Trade();
$result = $api->trade($trade);

The result variable will return Trade class with ticket information, you can grab ticket number by calling $result->getTicket()

Create User

use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\Entities\User;
use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5;

$api = new LaravelMt5();
$user = new User();
$user->setName("John Due");
$user->setState("Jawa Barat");

$result = $api->createUser($user);

Get Trading Account Information

use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5;

$api = new LaravelMt5();
$user = $api->getTradingAccounts($login);

$balance = $user->Balance;
$equity = $user->Equity;
$freeMargin = $user->MarginFree;

Get Trading History By Login Number

use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5;

$api = new LaravelMt5();
// Get Closed Order Total and pagination
$total = $api->getOrderHistoryTotal($exampleLogin, $timestampfrom, $timestampto);
$trades = $api->getOrderHistoryPagination($exampleLogin, $timestampfrom, $timestampto, 0, $total);
foreach ($trades as $trade) {
    // see class MTOrder
    echo "LOGIN : ".$trade->Login.PHP_EOL;
    echo "TICKET : ".$trade->Order.PHP_EOL;

Open Order

use Tarikhagustia\LaravelMt5\LaravelMt5;
$api = new LaravelMt5();
    'Login' => 8113,
    'Symbol' => 'XAUUSD',
    'Volume' => 100,
    'Type' => 0

The result variable will return User class with login information, you can grab login number by calling $result->getLogin()


  • Deposit or Withdrawal
  • Create Account
  • Open Order
  • Get Trading Account Information
  • Change Password
  • Create Group
  • Delete Group
  • Get Accounts
  • Remove Account
  • Get Trades
  • Get Group


Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel MT5! you can fork this repository and make pull request.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel MT5, please send an e-mail to Tarikh Agustia via agustia.tarikh150@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The Laravel framework is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.