
Primary LanguageVim Script



Use Homebrew/Linuxbrew to install and manager software, see Installation.

brew install \
    cmake \
    curl \
    git \
    python \

How To Use

Install vim-plug

vim-plug is a popular plugin manager designed for vim/neovim.

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Clone vim configuration

Clone this reposition to any directory, typically $HOME is a good choice to place configurations.

cd $HOME
git clone --depth 1 --branch main https://github.com/vocata/vimrc.git

Make sure you have backed up your own .vimrc file before creating a soft link to vimrc/vimrc.

ln -s vimrc/vimrc $HOME/.vimrc

Install vim plugin

  1. Open vim and enter command mode, then execute :PlugInstall to clone plugins into .vim/plugged.

  2. YcmCompleteMe: a code-completion engine for vim

    By default, YCM is unavailable, you should install other language completers to enable it, here providing some installation instructions of common-used language completers in my daily coding. For more details, refer to official document.


    Make sure you have gcc/g++ installed in current environment.

    cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
    python3 install.py --clangd-completer


    Before installing golang completer, golang development tools must be available in current environment.

    berw install go


    cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
    python3 install.py --go-completer


    Install rust toolchain using homebrew

    brew install rust


    cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe
    python3 install.py --rust-completer
  3. LeaderF: an efficient fuzzy finder

    Ripgrep is a powerful command-line search tool, which can be integrated into LeaderF to implement global fuzzy search, here is repgrep installation using homebrew.

    brew install ripgrep
  4. ALE: asynchronous lint engine

    ALE is a lint engine noly providing functionality of linting, you must install specified language linter to enbale it, here are some common language linters and its installation.


    Use pylint as python linter

    brew install pylint


    Use clang as c/c++ linter

    brew install llvm


    Use staticcheck as golang linter

    brew install staticcheck


    Use cargo as rust linter

    brew install rust


    Use shellcheck as shell script linter

    brew install shellcheck


    Use vim-vint as vimscript linter

    brew install vint
  5. vim-codefmt: a code formatter wrapper

    Use black as python formatter

    brew install black

    Use clang-format as c/c++ formatter

    brew install clang-format

    Use gofmt as golang formatter

    brew install go

    Use rustfmt as rust formatter

    brew install rustfmt

    Use shfmt as shell script formatter

    brew install shfmt