
Use your favorite VSCode themes in Roblox Studio

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Converts a Visual Studio Code theme into one that is compatible with Roblox Studio's script editor.


Install the package globally to get access to the rbxtheme command.

$ npm install -g rbxtheme
# Or
$ yarn global add rbxtheme

Then you can view the list of all the available themes.

$ rbxtheme list

After picking a theme, run it through rbxtheme to convert it into a command that you can run from Roblox Studio.

$ rbxtheme convert "SynthWave '84"
Copy/paste this command into the command bar in Studio to set your Script Editor theme

local json = [[{"Background Color":[38,35,53],"Selection Color":[255,255,255],"Selection Background Color":[65,63,78],"Error Color":[254,68,80],"Warning Color":[99,200,158],"Find Selection Background Color":[163,108,30],"Matching Word Background Color":[65,63,78],"Whitespace Color":[212,211,215],"Current Line Highlight Color":[38,35,53],"Ruler Color":[100,54,112],"Bracket Color":[255,255,255],"Text Color":[255,126,219],"Operator Color":[254,222,93],"Number Color":[249,126,114],"String Color":[255,139,57],"Comment Color":[132,139,189],"Bool Color":[249,126,114],"\"nil\" Color":[249,126,114],"Function Name Color":[54,249,246],"\"function\" Color":[254,222,93],"\"local\" Color":[254,222,93],"\"self\" Color":[254,68,80],"Luau Keyword Color":[255,126,219],"Keyword Color":[254,222,93],"Built-in Function Color":[54,249,246],"\"TODO\" Color":[255,126,219],"Method Color":[54,249,246],"Property Color":[255,126,219]}]] local theme = game.HttpService:JSONDecode(json) local studio = settings().Studio for name, color in pairs(theme) do color = Color3.fromRGB(color[1], color[2], color[3]) local success = pcall(function() studio[name] = color end) if not success then warn(("%s is not a valid theme color"):format(name)) end end print("Successfully changed your Script Editor theme!")

# Use the --copy flag to have the command copied to your clipboard
$ rbxtheme convert --copy "SynthWave '84"
Theme copied to clipboard. Paste it into the command bar in Studio to change your Script Editor theme.