
Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION


SwiftyVK makes it easy to interact with social network "VKontakte" API for iOS and OSX.

On this page:


  • Swift 2.0+
  • iOS 8.0+ / OSX 10.9+
  • Xcode 7.0+

##Integration ###Manually

  1. Just drag SwiftyVK.framework or include the whole SwiftyVK.xcodeproj to project
  2. Link SwiftyVK.framework to application in Target preferences -> General -> Embedded binaries.

###CocoaPods You can use Cocoapods to install SwiftyVK by adding it to Podfile:


target 'MyApp' do
pod 'SwiftyVK', :git => 'https://github.com/WE-St0r/SwiftyVK.git'

##Getting started ###Import and implementation

Import SviftyVK to Swift file:

import SwiftyVK

Implement VKDelegate protocol and all its functions in custom class. For example:

class YourClass: Superclass, VKDelegate {

	func vkWillAutorize() -> [VK.Scope] {
		//Called when SwiftyVK need autorization permissions.
		return //an array of application permissions

	func vkDidAutorize() {
		//Called when the user is log in. 
		//Here you can start to send requests to the API.

	func vkDidUnautorize() {
		//Called when user is log out.

	func vkAutorizationFailed(error: VK.Error) {
		//Called when SwiftyVK could not authorize. To let the application know that something went wrong.

	func vkTokenPath() -> (useUserDefaults: Bool, alternativePath: String) {
		//Called when SwiftyVK need know where a token is located.
		return //bool value that indicates whether save token to NSUserDefaults or not, and alternative save path.

	func vkWillPresentView() -> UIViewController {
		//Only for iOS!
		//Called when need to display a view from SwiftyVK.
		return //UIViewController that should present autorization view controller

	func vkWillPresentWindow() -> (isSheet: Bool, inWindow: NSWindow?) {
		//Only for OSX!
		//Called when need to display a window from SwiftyVK.
		return //bool value that indicates whether to display the window as modal or not, and parent window for modal presentation

See full implementation in Example project


  1. Create new standalone application and get application ID
  2. Init SwiftyVK with application ID and VKDelegate object:
VK.start(appID: applicationID, delegate: VKDelegate)

###User authorization

  • And user will see authorization dialog.

##API Requests ###Syntax The call requests is as follows VK.methodGrop.methodName.

For example, send request with parameters and response processing:

let req = VK.API.Users.get([VK.Arg.userId : "1"])
req.successBlock = {response in print(response)}
req.errorBlock = {error in print(error)}

Or a bit shorter:

let req = VK.API.Users.get([VK.Arg.userId : "1"]).send(
	{response in print(response)}, 
	{error in print(error)}

###Custom requests You may also send special requests, such as:

  • Request with custom method path:
VK.API.custom(method: "users.get", parameters: [VK.Arg.userId : "1"])
VK.API.execute("return \"Hello World\"")
  • Remote execute stored application code:
VK.API.remote(method: "YourRemoteMethodName", parameters: nil)

###Request properties

The requests have several properties that control their behavior. Their names speak for themselves, but just in case I describe them:

Property Default Description
successBlock empty This code block will be executed when the response to the request.
errorBlock empty This code block will be executed, if during execution of the response fails.
progressBlock empty This code block is executed when the file is loaded. It is called every time the server sent the next part of the file.
isAsynchronous true Specifies whether the control returns after sending the request immediately or only after receiving the response. By default the requests are asynchronous and control returns immediately. Sometimes you may need to send synchronous requests, but it is not necessary to do this in the main thread!.
maxAttempts 3 The number of times can be resend the request automatically, if during its execution the error occurred. 0 == infinity attempts.
timeout 10 How long in seconds a request will wait for a response from the server. If the wait is longer this value, the generated request error.
catchErrors true Whether to attempt SwiftyVK to handle some query errors automatically. Among these errors include the required authentication, captcha, exceeding the limit of requests per second.
language system The language, which will return response fields.

###Default properties

In addition to the settings of each individual request, you can set global settings for SwiftyVK. You need to contact structure VK.defaults. Some fields completely duplicate the properties of requests and will be assigned to the request when it is initialized, and the other presented only in a global context.

Property Default Description
apiVersion >5.37 Returns used VK API version
maxRequestsPerSec 3 The maximum number of requests that can be sent per second. Here you can read more in the section "Limitations and recommendations".
logOptions [ ] Parameter is used to debug and trace work SwiftyVK. My little crutch :)

##Parsing response

Responses to requests come in the form of text in JSON format. To present the data as objects, SwiftyVK uses the SwiftyJSON library. You can refer to the documentation of the library. Here I'll describe only a short example.

In our request example about the syntax that will return the response:

		"id" : 1,
		"first_name" : "Pavel",
		"last_name" : "Durov"

It contains an array of users which we have access to 3 fields. Suppose that we want to get all user data into separate variable. We can do this:

var id = response["0, id"].intValue //1
var firstName = response["0, first_name"].stringValue //Pavel
var lastName = response["0, last_name"].stringValue //Durov

And that's all You need. If You want to learn more, check out the SwiftyJSON documentation.

##Error handling

In the process of request execution something can go wrong, as expected. In this case, an error is generated. SwiftyVK offers two ways of working with errors:

  • catchErrors == false: SwiftyVK is always called the block error handling and you get to decide what to do with the error.

But sometimes it so happens that the query is executed when the user is not authorized, requires validation / captcha entering, or simply exceeded the number of requests per second. To automatically resolve these errors is second case.

  • catchErrors == true: SwiftyVK first try to handle the error. If it contains codes 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 17, e.t.c. which arise in the above cases, the request is resended again after a short delay, or the user will see a dialogue offering to authorize, validate, or enter the captcha. If the error persists, and the number of resends of request more than maxAttempts, it will call the error block.

##Upload files

SwiftyVK allows you to easily upload files in one request by combining standard requests to VK API. Use methods in VK.Upload section. Let's see how you can quickly upload photos to an album:

//Get data of image
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("image", ofType: "jpg")!)!
//Crete media object to upload
let media = Media(imageData: data, type: .JPG)
//Upload image to wall        
VK.API.Upload.Photo.toWall(media: media,
	userId: "1",
	groupId: nil,
	isAsynchronous: true,
	progressBlock: { (done, total) -> () in print("upload \(done) of \(total))")},
	successBlock: {response in print(response)},
	errorBlock: {error in print(error)}

This way you can download all the other supported Vkontakte file types. Can see the implementation of other types of loading in the library tests.

Keep in mind that in some cases, such as uploading photos to a message, using this method, you just load the file to the server and get its ID. To send a message with photo, you need to add photo ID to the message.


If you want to use Longpoll to receive updates, SwiftyVK allows you to easily do this, as it contains tool for working with Longpoll.

VK.LP sends requests every 25 seconds and waits for a response. When the response is received, VK.LP send a notification and send next request. If the device goes to sleep, the app becomes inactive, or is lost the network, VK.LP stops and again starts working when the state is changed to the opposite. This process is fully automatic. All you need are two methods and one parameter:

VK.LP.start() //Start updating
VK.LP.isActive //Longpoll status
VK.LP.stop() //Stop updating

And notifications types in VK.LP.notifications whose codes correspond to the codes here

To subscribe to the notification you just need to use standard observer:

NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: "UPDATE", name: VK.LP.notifications.type4, object: nil)