
Prometheus instrumentation library for Ruby applications

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Prometheus Ruby Client

A suite of instrumentation metric primitives for Ruby that can be exposed through a HTTP interface. Intended to be used together with a Prometheus server.

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require 'prometheus/client'

# returns a default registry
prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry

# create a new counter metric
http_requests = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:http_requests, 'A counter of HTTP requests made')
# register the metric

# equivalent helper function
http_requests = prometheus.counter(:http_requests, 'A counter of HTTP requests made')

# start using the counter

Rack middleware

There are two Rack middlewares available, one to expose a metrics HTTP endpoint to be scraped by a prometheus server (Exporter) and one to trace all HTTP requests (Collector).

It's highly recommended to enable gzip compression for the metrics endpoint, for example by including the Rack::Deflater middleware.

# config.ru

require 'rack'
require 'prometheus/client/rack/collector'
require 'prometheus/client/rack/exporter'

use Rack::Deflater, if: ->(env, status, headers, body) { body.any? && body[0].length > 512 }
use Prometheus::Client::Rack::Collector
use Prometheus::Client::Rack::Exporter

run ->(env) { [200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['OK']] }

Start the server and have a look at the metrics endpoint: http://localhost:5000/metrics.

For further instructions and other scripts to get started, have a look at the integrated example application.


The Ruby client can also be used to push its collected metrics to a Pushgateway. This comes in handy with batch jobs or in other scenarios where it's not possible or feasible to let a Prometheus server scrape a Ruby process.

require 'prometheus/client'
require 'prometheus/client/push'

prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry
# ... register some metrics, set/add/increment/etc. their values

# push the registry state to the default gateway

# optional: specify the instance name (instead of IP) and gateway
  'my-job', 'instance-name', 'http://example.domain:1234').add(prometheus)

# If you want to replace any previously pushed metrics for a given instance,
# use the #replace method.
Prometheus::Client::Push.new('my-batch-job', 'instance').replace(prometheus)


The following metric types are currently supported.


Counter is a metric that exposes merely a sum or tally of things.

counter = Prometheus::Client::Counter.new(:foo, '...')

# increment the counter for a given label set
counter.increment(service: 'foo')

# increment by a given value
counter.increment({ service: 'bar' }, 5)

# decrement the counter
counter.decrement(service: 'exceptional')

# get current value for a given label set
counter.get(service: 'bar')
# => 5


Gauge is a metric that exposes merely an instantaneous value or some snapshot thereof.

gauge = Prometheus::Client::Gauge.new(:bar, '...')

# set a value
gauge.set({ role: 'base' }, 'up')

# retrieve the current value for a given label set
gauge.get({ role: 'problematic' })
# => 'down'


Summary is an accumulator for samples. It captures Numeric data and provides an efficient percentile calculation mechanism.

summary = Prometheus::Client::Summary.new(:baz, '...')

# record a value
summary.add({ service: 'slow' }, Benchmark.realtime { service.call(arg) })

# retrieve the current quantile values
summary.get({ service: 'database' })
# => { 0.5: 1.233122, 0.9: 83.4323, 0.99: 341.3428231 }


  • add protobuf support


Install necessary development gems with bundle install and run tests with rspec:
