
React dynamic application hosted on GitHub Pages

Primary LanguageHTML

Intro to DAIRY APP with GitHub Pages

Welcome to DAIRY APP built on React and serve on GitHub Pages! We’re excited to show our result.

GitHub Pages

Ready to get started? Build your own site from scratch or generate one for your project. If so, follow up how it builds by links below.


  1. GitHub# documentation
  2. React documentation


  1. master - static react build
  2. hotfix - react app

What is DAIRY APP?

DAIRY APP is SPA application, uses local storage for storing your thoughts and comments in your secret place.

DAIRY APP, a SPA application


  • Fire up a browser and go to - https://vodis.github.io
  • Feel free playing with application and adding new comments with descriptions and keep in mind secret keys Ctrl+Enter which pressing together add comment in the right section.