Build a big-endian PowerPC Vagrant box for libvirt and qemu-system-ppc64.
QEMU's PowerPC emulator isn't fast but useful for testing software for byte order bugs.
Requires packer, vagrant, libvirt, vagrant-libvirt and qemu-system-ppc.
Customize the scripts in the "scripts" directory or add provisioners to "box-config.pkr.hcl".
Set the environment variable VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN to your access token for the Vagrant Cloud API.
Install the required plugins:
packer init box-config.pkr.hcl
Build and publish your box:
packer build \
-var 'box_tag=myname/mybox-ppc64' \
-var 'version=20240201' \
-var 'version_description=My custom box' \
Put the following settings into your Vagrantfile:
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config| = 'myname/mybox-ppc64'
config.vm.box_architecture = 'ppc64'
config.vm.provider :libvirt do |v|
v.driver = 'qemu'
v.machine_arch = 'ppc64'
v.machine_type = 'pseries'
v.cpu_mode = 'custom'
v.cpu_model = 'POWER8'
v.video_type = 'vga'
v.features = []
Copyright (C) 2024 Andreas Vögele
This program is free software; you can redistribute and modify it under the terms of the ISC license.